“Under the leadership of Beverly Balaz the Fairfield Chamber has reached new heights of relevance and importance in the community. The recent Economic Breakfast Forum sponsored by People’s United Bank is just one example of the valuable resources available to the membership.”
Guy Hatfield, President
Hatfield Insurance Agency Inc.
“Each member I’ve met is engaged in building long-term relationships, in each other’s success and the success of the Fairfield Business Community as a whole. Looking forward to another great year…”
Kristen Tierney
Turtles and Lemonade, LLC
“As a relatively new chamber member I have been pleased with the openness and welcome atmosphere that I have experienced. I feel that the potential for networking opportunities and business growth are limitless.”
Edward Banks AAMS, AWMA
Banks Wealth Management LLC
“I really enjoy being a member of the FCOC, I participate in their leads group as well as attend many after-hours events. Being involved helps me feel more connected to my community and other business leaders in town.”
Justin Egan
RMS Residential Mortgage Services, Inc.
“Thank you Fairfield Chamber of Commerce! We have found that your professional attitude is so influential towards the growth of our business. The Chamber continually supports us through personal connections! We have been so pleased with the chamber under the new leadership. We had the pleasure of producing the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce 2014 Membership Directory and Resource Guide 375th Commemorative Edition.
I have such high regard for the professional atmosphere that is created throughout by encouraging member’s involvement which then generates the growth of each members business. It is this attitude that I find infectious so I continue to say thank you and I appreciate all that you do!”
Shelley Llewellyn
Universal Printing and Mailing Services, Inc.
“The Chamber of Commerce is an integral part of the Fairfield community and Greater Bridgeport region. The Town looks to the Chamber to partner and support our various initiatives and events. Together, we form a strong partnership that helps sustain and grow Fairfield’s economy.
I encourage Fairfield’s businesses to join the Chamber since it provides important programs, events and current information to help support new and established businesses achieve their goals for success.”
Mike Tetreau
Former First Selectman
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